Connect to Databases off – campus
Who can use these services?
Remote Library Services are available to all RWU students, faculty and staff.
Services include:
- Research assistance via chat, email or telephone.
- Online forms for Interlibrary Loan requests for books and journal articles.
- Prompt delivery of articles using traditional mail and electronic delivery.
- Remote and on-site library instruction.
- Remote access assistance to library databases for doing your own research at home.
What resources are available to me off campus?
The RWU Libraries provide remote access to the Library Catalog, to full-text electronic books and journals, and to over a 100 periodical and reference databases providing full-text content, citations, and abstracts. For a complete listing of RWU subscription databases see the Alphabetical list of Databases. To find resources and databases specific to your discipline or course check out our Library Research Guides.
Note: Only current members of the RWU community may access licensed databases.
How can I connect to Library resources from home?
From the Articles and Databases page, locate and select the database you would like to use.
If you are a student, you will be prompted to enter your Microsoft user name ending in and your password.
If you are faculty or staff, you should enter your university email address and password.
Do I need a Library Card?
You will need to use your library card to checkout books or to place a HELIN request or Interlibrary Loan. Your library barcode is on the back of your student ID. You may obtain a library card if you do not have a student ID. To do so please come to the library's Information Desk at 401-254-3375 or fill out the online form.
How can I obtain research assistance?
ASK US! There are several options available to you for research assistance.
- Email, Text, Chat, Phone, Visit -- just contact us. Check out our Ask Us page for all the details!
- Contact your library liaison to arrange for a research consultation.
- Call the Information Desk at 401-254-3375.
- Stop by and see us!